Jose Rodriguez

As a kid back in Mexico, Jose Rodriguez discovered his passion for sewing when he watched his Aunt make clothes for people.  He was impressed to see how a piece of fabric could become a garment.  

In 2006, Jose moved to San Francisco where he finished high school.  In 2010, he began fashion classes at Cañada College and again realized how much he loved sewing. He completed three Fashion Degree certificates: Fashion Merchandising, Custom Dressmaking/Small Business and Technical Design. 

Jose Rodriguez

Jose loves sewing.  He views it as art and an opportunity to expresses creativity and feelings.  He also finds the process of molding fabric to become a garment very relaxing.  

After attending Cañada College, Jose worked for Britex Fabrics for five years where he learned about merchandising, buying, and how to manage a team. Every day was a different experience as he helped people with their sewing projects in person and over the phone. Being a buyer for the Notions Department helped him to build business relationships with vendors from around the world.  He had the opportunity to attend many trunk shows around the Bay Area selling fabrics and buttons.

In 2023, Jose opened an Alterations Studio in Patterson, Calif. He discovered it has been an adventure and every day he learns more about running a business.  Jose wanted to provide a sewing service and decided on alterations.  He learned it is impossible to compete with fast fashion and the online market if he makes custom handmade clothing.  Alterations are faster with less time invested. 

Jose’s advice to any fashion student is to carefully research what area of fashion they want to go into and just take the risk and learn what works for you.  Never lose passion because when you love what you do, it does not feel like work.

Jose has always been a creative person and having a sewing studio brings out more of his desire to keep doing what he loves. Also, he enjoys styling and putting garments together; it’s his way of expressing himself and presenting himself to the world. 

Jose would like to thank Cañada College for having one of the best fashion programs in the Bay Area. He also thanks Professor Ronda Chaney for her support to the Fashion students, for organizing beautiful fashion activities and for the years of sharing her knowledge.  She trained many successful students for work in the fashion Industry.