

Puente A National Model for Student Success

The Puente Project is a national award-winning transfer program that has improved the college-going rate of tens of thousands of California’s educationally underrepresented students since 1981.

Puente Project Mission Statement

The mission of the Puente Project is to increase the number of educationally underserved students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors to succeeding generations.

If you are interested in learning more about Puente, please drop-in to one of our informational Zoom sessions below: 

Zoom Session 01: TBA

Zoom Session 02: TBA

Zoom Session 03: TBA

Zoom Session 04: TBA

Phase 1 Fall Semester

  • English 105: Intensive Composition and Reading (equivalent to English 100)
  • Career 137: Life and Career Planning
  • Mentoring
Phase 2 Spring Semester
  • English 110: Composition, Literature, and Critical Thinking
  • Career 110: Transfer Essentials and Planning (Honors)
  • Mentoring
Phase 3 Ongoing
  • Transfer Counseling
  • Leadership Opportunities
  • Career Opportunities

Outstanding Results

  • The Puente Project has won a national $100,000 Innovations in American Government award
  • Over 7,000 students have enrolled in the Puente community college program.
  • Over 2,500 professionals donate over 18,000 hours annually to Puente Students.
  • An estimated 200,000 non-Puente students have benefited from Puente's staff development.
  • Community colleges with Puente programs transfer 44 percent more Latino students to the University of California than colleges without Puente.

Many components work together to prepare Puente students to transfer to four-year colleges and universities:

Puente students take two consecutive writing classes, English 105 (equivalent to English 100) and English 110. These classes provide a supportive and stimulating environment for Puente students to build confidence in their writing skills through an exploration of the Mexican American/ Latinx experience.
Puente students take two consecutive counseling classes, Career 137 and Career 110. These classes help students explore career options, develop an academic educational plan and identify lifetime goals. Students visit University of California and California State University campuses and attend an annual Puente student transfer conference. Puente students work closely with their Puente counselor until they graduate.
Puente students are matched with mentors from the business or professional community. Mentors share with students their personal, academic and career experiences, and provide a window into "real life" work environments. The network of trained Puente mentors provides many resources for the Puente students, their families, their colleges, and the community.

History of the Puente Project

Started in 1981 at Chabot Community College in Hayward, California, the program has since expanded to 4 middle schools, 38 high schools and 65 community colleges throughout the state. Puente staff train middle school, high school and community college instructors and counselors to implement a program of rigorous instruction, focused academic counseling, and mentoring by members of the community. Puente's staff training programs have benefited approximately 300,000 students across the state. Puente is open to all students.

Benefits of joining the Puente Project

Puente asks for a year commitment from our students. Student enroll in the Puente classes with the same Puente instructors for one year and participate in all Puente events. Below is a list of some of the Puente Project benefits:

  • Priority Registration (Student will retain priority status for as long as they stay in the program)
  • First Day to Last Support - Your Puente counselor is committed to you until they day you transfer or graduate. This means your counselor along with the college network of support will not disappear after you have completed your first year.
  • You will be assigned a Puente mentor that will support you during your first year in the program
  • Puente T-Shirt and Puente Graduation Stole
  • One big, supportive Puente familia

Interested in Becoming Part of the Puente familia?

Thank you for your interest! Puente is now full for 2024-25.