Professional Development Needs Assessment

The purpose of the Professional Development Needs Assessment is to develop on-going, responsive, campus-wide professional learning opportunities that reflect the specific needs of our faculty, staff, and administrators. 

As part of their effort to update the College Professional Development Plan in 2023, the Professional Development Planning Committee Work Group (planning leads from the Academic and Classified Senates as well as College Council) solicited input on a new Needs Assessment Survey instrument that will be administered in March, 2023.  A summary of the results of these needs assessments can be found here:

Spring 2023 Professional Development Needs Assessment Summary

For more information on the PD Planning process of 2023, please see here.


Thank you to those who participated in the Cañada College Professional Learning Needs Assessment.

Close to 100 Cañada employees completed the survey. The College-wide Professional Learning Committee has begun reviewing the survey information with the Professional Learning Plan in order to create opportunities for the College. 

Fall 2018 Needs Assessment results