Cañada's Current Sustainability Efforts

Sustainability Committee

  • A group of faculty, staff, administrators and students working together to implement and update the Cañada College Sustainability Plan. The committee also provides students with leadership opportunities in the development of policies, practices, and resources that promote environmental sustainability. Our 2016-2017 meeting times have been dedicated to updating the Cañada College Sustainability Plan.
  • Chairperson: Susan Mahoney
  • Members: Karen Pinkham, Lisa Palmer, Elizabeth Barile, Michelle Marquez, Ruth Miller, Erin Moore, Hilary Ego, Joseph Fullerton, Julie Barstow, David Meckler, Zoë Robinson, Sophie Borison, Jazmeen Raja and Nisa Nik
  • 2017 Spring Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month held in room 9-257A from 3pm to 4pm (2/14, 3/14, 4/11, 5/9)

Current Sustainability Plan

Solar Field

  • First renewable energy project in district completed in 2014
  • Our solar field offsets half of the campus' energy consumption
  • Over 4,000 high efficiency panels over 3.5 acres on campus to produce over one million watts of renewable energy each year for over 25 years.

Solar Field Feature

Environmental Club

  • Offers students bi-monthly meetings to discuss environmental issues, newest ways to be sustainable and whatever else they find interesting in the environmental world and would like to learn about
  • Our club also focuses on brainstorming sessions to allow students to examine ways to lessen our overall impacts, take action and get involved
  • Our club as well hosts monthly hiking events, events on campus and fun, interactive learning off campus weekend activities

Environmental Group Facebook Page


Presenter pointing at a heat map of california