Prior to 2021, the Administrative Planning Council (APC) served as one of three participatory governance councils at the College. Its purpose was to ensure effective operation of all things fiscal and operational for Cañada College. It also served as the entity that provided peer review to the offices and functions reporting directly to the College President during their comprehensive program review and planning process.
As part of its update of participatory governance reporting structures in 2020, the Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) determined on April 7, 2021, that the first part of the APC's purpose was too similar to that of PBC and that APC no longer needed to serve as a Planning Council (as defined by PBC's newly established definitions of Planning Councils as of April 29, 2020). Rather, APC would continue solely in its role of providing the structure for the peer review process and resource prioritization recommendations for the President's Office offices and functions. As an operational group, this group is identified as the President's Office Program Review Peer Review Group and it includes the following members:
• Office of the Vice President of Instruction
• Office of the Vice President of Student Services
• Office of the Vice President of Administrative Services
• Office of Marketing and Community Relations
• Office of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness
Program Review Current Cycle Information
- The Administrative Services undergoing a comprehensive program review in the current cycle are listed here.
- The Program Review Peer Review Group for the President's Office functions will meet on November 10, 2022 from 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. via this link to provide feedback to the Administrative Services submitting comprehensive program reviews and to review and prioritize resource requests submitted by the offices reporting to the President's Office.
As of September, 2022, the members of the President's Office Program Review Peer Review Group include:
President's Office Program Review Peer Review Group Members
Kim Lopez (President)
President's Office - President's Office
Chialin Hsieh (Vice President of Instruction)
Office of the Vice President, Instruction - Office of InstructionManuel Alejandro Pérez (President)
President's Office - President's OfficeLudmila Prisecar (Vice President, Administrative Services)
Vice President, Administrative Services - Division OfficeKaren Engel (Dean of Planning, Research, Innovation and Effectiveness)
President's Office - Planning, Research and Institutional EffectivenessMegan Rodriguez Antone (Director of Community Relations and Marketing)
President's Office - Marketing and Outreach
Linda Bertellotti (Executive Assistant to the President)
President's Office - President's Office
Alessandra Zanassi (Executive Assistant)
Office of the Vice President, Instruction - Office of Instruction
Mary Chries Concha Thia (College Business Officer)
Business|Operations Office - Business OfficeThe President's Office Program Review Peer Review Group helps prioritize the resource requests coming from the President's Office and reports on those recommended priorities to the Planning and Budgeting Council as part of the College's annual integrated planning and budgeting cycle and resource request process.