
Volunteer image

Volunteer Because... Experience is Everything!

Through volunteering, college students use what they learn in the classroom to solve real-life problems. They not only learn the practical applications of their studies, they become actively contributing citizens and community members through the service they perform.

Volunteerism/Service-learning can be applied in a wide variety of settings, including schools, universities, and community-based and faith-based organizations. It can involve one student, a group of students, a classroom or an entire school. Students build character and become active participants as they work with others in their school and community to create service projects in areas such as education, social services, public safety, and the environment.

Volunteerism/Service-learning offers all its participants a chance to take part in active education while simultaneously addressing the concerns, needs, and hopes of communities.

Volunteer Directories

Hands on Bay Area

Hands on Bay Area provides a searchable data base of volunteer opportunities in the Bay Area. Hands on Bay Area coordinates and manages more than 120 community service projects each month around the Bay Area. Hands on Bay Area is an affiliate of Hands on Network, a national organization that supports an innovative alliance of volunteer management organizations across the United States, the U.K. and other countries.

Learn How to Become

Learn How to Become is a directory with many listings of non profit organizations. Volunteer work is not just an item on a resume or college application – it’s an essential part of a functioning society. The benefits of volunteer work reach far and wide with a ripple effect that begins with the individual and nonprofit organization and extends beyond the larger community, benefiting everyone in its wake. In this guide, you’ll learn more about the importance of volunteer work, how to find volunteer opportunities, and how to transition from volunteering to a career in a nonprofit.

One Brick

One Brick is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (Federal ID: 77-0593889) that is a community of volunteers that support other local nonprofits by creating a friendly and social atmosphere around volunteering. After each volunteer event our volunteer team invites everyone to gather at a local restaurant or coffee shop where they can get to know one another in a relaxed social setting. Additionally we host regular social events for our volunteers to connect to one another and to welcome new volunteers to our community. We provide a flexible way for you to volunteer where and when you want.

Volunteer Match

Volunteer Match provides a searchable data base throughout the United States. VolunteerMatch is a nonprofit organization with a mission to help everyone find a great place to volunteer, and offers a variety of online services to support a community of nonprofit, volunteer and business leaders committed to civic engagement. Interested volunteers can enter their ZIP code on the Volunteer Match home page to quickly find local volunteer opportunities posted by nonprofit organizations throughout the United States.


Other Non-Profit or Community Resources