Photography and Videography Policies
Cañada College has a blanket photo release policy which states "Cañada College, a non-profit California Community College, reserves the right to take and use photographs, video and electronic images of students and visitors taken on college property and at college-sponsored events for marketing and promotional purposes. Objection must be made in writing to the Marketing Department."

While the digital Photo and Video Release form simplifies record keeping and allows for more photographic flexibility, certain instances still require a print copy photo/video release. These situations include, but are not limited to: students under 18 years of age and subjects used in a high-visibility location of a marketing piece (front covers, banners, billboards, etc.). If in doubt, get a signed photo/video release form. Please submit the digital form below, which will be sent to the Marketing Department. Or, deliver a signed (print) photo release form to our Marketing Department to the attention of Megan Rodriguez Antone at in Building 8, Room 112.
Printable Photo/Video Release Form: