Acronyms Associated with OER

The 5 Rs of OER

The 5Rs of OER are the rights to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute.


Common Acronyms with Respect to OER

  • Open Education Resource (OER): This is a type of textbook or other course material that is open source and meant to educational purposes. Frequently they are copyrighted via Creative Commons.
  • Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC): This is a label used for course that have a textbook or course material that is free to use.
  • Inclusive Access (IA): This is a program that usually bundles publisher services - including textbook and publisher site access - at a lower cost.
  • Low-cost: This is a label that describes course materials that are cheaper than traditional publisher alternatives. In California, the definition varies although it currently seems to mean anything that costs $40 or less.